Policies and procedural documents

Please see below a list of our policies and procedural documents.

All documents and policies will be reviewed and re-adopted annually (or earlier if legislation changes or if monitoring information suggests that policy or practices should be altered.)

CPC Standing Orders 2018 V2 April 22 adopted May 24

CPC Training and Development

CPC Safeguarding Policy

CPC Risk Assessment

CPC Retention of documents archiving policy

CPC Publication Scheme

CPC Privacy and GDPR

CPC Health-Safety policy  see also NALC Legal Topic Note 23 Health and safety

Adopted Financial Regulations 2024

CPC Equality and Diversity Policy

CPC Disciplinary and Grievance Policy

CPC Data Breach Policy

CPC Complaints Policy

CPC Code of Conduct

Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Privacy Notice

Crudwell emergency and flood plan


How to make a request for information from Crudwell Parish Council

A complaint that the council has not released information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in the manner that a person requesting believes it should have done, can be referred to the Information Commissioner. A parish council must give reasons for any decision and must inform the applicant if he/she has a right to complain to them about the handling of the request (e.g. through a complaints or other procedure and give details of the procedure), or state that there is no procedure, and of his/her right to complain to the Information Commissioner.