Financial Audit Year End 31st March 2024

29th May 2024 – Crudwell Parish Council convened tonight to agree and adopt the financial audit information.  We list here the following documents for our financial audit.  Please note, we are requested to declare that the Accounting Statements detailed on the AGAR form are as yet unaudited.

Asset register and land ownership

Internal Audit report from Auditing Solutions

Notice – rights of inspection

Payments over £100


Parish Councillor Roles and Responsibilities

Bank Reconciliation

AGAR form

30th September 2024 – The audit has been concluded and we are required to publish the following documents:-

Notice of conclusion of audit

Sections 1 & 2 of AGAR form

Section 3  of AGAR form



Crudwell Parish Council Meetings 2024

We currently have two parish councillor vacancies .

For more information please contact Lisa Dent (Crudwell Parish Clerk) on


Meeting dates

We meet at Crudwell Village Hall, Tetbury Lane, Crudwell SN16 9HB at 7 p.m. in the committee room, off the main hall.  All are welcome to attend.   

The Annual Meeting of the Parish will take place at Crudwell Village Hall on Saturday 22nd June at 11.30 a.m.  All welcome to attend.

Agenda here   (2023 approved minutes)

                         (2024 approved minutes)

Crudwell Parish Council meetings

March 24 19th March 24
April 24 16th April  24
May 24 14th May  24
June 24 25th  June 24
July 24 16th July  24
August 24 20th Aug  24
Sept 24 17th Sept  24
Oct 24 8th Oct  24
Nov 24 19th Nov  24
Dec 24 10th Dec  24
Jan 25 21st Jan 25
Feb 25 11th Feb 25
March 25 18th March 25
April 25 15th April 25


Crudwell Parish Council Meetings

Step-by-step guide to commenting on a Wiltshire Council planning application

– click here      How to comment on a Wiltshire Council planning application

MEETINGS 2024 – Public and press are welcome to attend any meetings.

Tuesday 8th October 2024 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda October 2024 Agenda October 2024


MEETINGS 2024 – Public and press are welcome to attend any meetings.

Tues 17th September 2024 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda Sept 2024 Agenda Sept 2024



MEETINGS 2024 – Public and press are welcome to attend any meetings.

Tues 20th August 2024 7 p.m.Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

August Parish Council Meeting – all welcome

Agenda Aug 2024   August agenda – 2024

Minutes Approved Minutes  Aug 2024 


MEETINGS 2024 – Public and press are welcome to attend any meetings.

Tues 16th July 2024 7 p.m.Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

July Parish Council Meeting – all welcome

Agenda July 2024   July 24 agenda

Minutes Approved Minutes July 2024 


MEETINGS 2024 – Public and press are welcome to attend any meetings.

Tues 25th June 2024 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

June 2024 Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda June 24

Minutes Approved Minutes June 24


Weds 29th May 2024 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Extraoardinary Meeting of Crudwell Parish Council

Agenda   Audit approval meeting agenda 24

Minutes 29th May 2024 Approved Minutes



Tuesday 14th May 2024 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

May 2024 Annual meeting of the parish council – all welcome

Agenda AM of CPC  24 Agenda

Minutes AMPC 14th May 2024


Tuesday 16th April 2024 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

April 2024 Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda Agenda April 24

Minutes April 2024


Tuesday 19th March 2024 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

March 2024 Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda Agenda March 24

Minutes    March 2024



Tuesday 13th February 2024 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

February 2024 Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda Agenda Feb 24 (click to view/download)

Minutes Feb 2024


16th January 2024 7 p.m. at Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

January 24 Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda – Agenda Jan 24 (click to view/download)

Minutes Jan 2024


There was no meeting held in December 2023


21st November 2023 at 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

November Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda – Agenda – Nov 2023 (click to view/download)

Minutes Nov 2023


24th October 2023 at 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

October Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda – Agenda October 23 (click to view/download)

Minutes Oct 2023


19th September 2023 7 p.m. Pettifers Hotel conference room (please note change of venue)

September Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda .  Agenda Sept 23 (click to view/download)

Minutes September 2023


15th August 2023 7 p.m.  Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

August Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda August 23   (click to view/download)

Minutes August 2023


18th July 2023 7 p.m. Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

July 2023 Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda July 23    (click to view/download)

Minutes July 2023


17th June 11.00 a.m. Crudwell Scholl (hall)

Annual Meeting of the Parish – all welcome

APM agenda 2023    (click to view/download)


20th June 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

June Parish Council meeting – all welcome

Agenda June 2023       (click to view/download)

Approved June 2023

Financial Audit for year end 31st March 2023

We are currently preparing our accounts for audit, through the internal auditor and external auditor PKF Littlejohn.

Documents will be detailed here below:-

Crudwell PC Report 2022-23

AGAR form



Crudwell Internal Audit Report 2022-23

Items over £100

Councillors Responsibility – 2023

Asset register closing March 2023 (also shows land ownership)

Completed public rights   This notice, announced on 16th June 2023, details the dates of inspection which are Monday 19th June to Fri 28th July and other details.

Completion of audit   Conclusion notice, sections 1, 2 and 3 of the AGAR form

Parish Council meetings dates 2023

Meeting dates – we are currently finalising our meeting dates for the remainder of the year.  We will advise these as soon as it is possible.

May meeting – 30th May 2023

June meeting – 20th June 2023

Annual Meeting of the Parish – Saturday 17th June 2023.   Venue to be advised

July meeting – 18th July 2023

August meeting – AUGUST tba

September meeting – SEPTEMBER tba

October meeting – OCTOBER tba

November meeting – 21st November 2023

December meeting – DECEMBER tba

Vacancy for Parish Councillor

Would you like to become a Crudwell Parish Councillor?

Crudwell Parish Council has vacancies for 3 Parish Councillors

Crudwell Parish Council has an allocation of 9 Councillors, at present there are 6 serving Councillors.

Crudwell Parish Council meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm.

If you would like to more information please contact:

Lisa Dent (Parish Clerk) on

More details on the HOW TO GET INVOLVED tab on Crudwell Parish Council website

 You must be aged 18 or over, an elector, and have been a resident or worked within 3 miles of the parish for the past year

Click below for vacancy notice

Vacancy Notice PDF

Crudwell Parish Council January 2023 Meeting – 24th January 2023 at 7 pm

Crudwell Parish Council January 2023 Meeting

Please find attached the agenda for Tuesday 24th January 2023 at 7 pm

The venue is Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room but we await confirmation of availability.  If there is a change it will be posted here and also on the Crudwell Facebook page.

January 2023 agenda – click



27th September 2022 – Proclamation and Parish Council meeting

Before we commence the Parish Council meeting at 7.15 pm


7.00 pm Crudwell Parish Council – Proclamation

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, her son Charles was proclaimed King by the Accession Council. Councils around the country held ceremonies to proclaim King Charles III the new sovereign and Crudwell Parish Council Chair will deliver the Proclamation.

All welcome to attend.


Notice is given that a meeting of Crudwell Parish Council  on

Tuesday 27th September 2022 at 7.15  p.m. at Crudwell Village Hall.

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present.  The order of business may be varied.  All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.                                                                                                          Lisa Dent/Clerk – RFO

Please see below for agenda:-

Agenda Sept 2022

Crudwell Annual Financial Audit – Year ending 31st March 2022

As a smaller authority with a turnover under £25,00 we have listed our financial documentation here, in accordance with the Transparency Act:-

Designated Responsibilities June 2022

Public Rights 2022

Land ownership and Asset register closing March 2022

Expenditure over £100


Bank reconciliation

Crudwell Internal Audit Report 2021-22

Completed AGAR form

Certificate of exemption



Name and address of External Auditor

PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team),

15 Westferry Circus,

Canary Wharf,

London E14 4HD



Crudwell Parish Council May 2022 Meeting – Annual Meeting

The Annual Parish Council meeting for Crudwell Parish Council will be held on 11th May 2022 at 7 pm at Pettifers Hotel in Crudwell.

Agenda is attached below:-

Agenda May 2022

Please contact the Clerk if you would like to attend so we can ensure social distancing is in place.


Kind regards.


4th January 2022 – Crudwell Parish Council Meeting Agenda and further details


Click here Draft Agenda Jan 2022

Notice is given that the Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at Crudwell Village Hall, Crudwell on Tuesday 4th January 2022 at 7 pm Online on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 2068 8265                                                     Passcode: 376481

Crudwell Parish Council – Zoom meeting 28th July at 7 pm

Here is the agenda for the Zoom meeting on Weds 28th July at 7 pm

Draft Agenda Crudwell Parish Council 28th July 2021

Zoom joining details:-

Meeting ID: 896 9388 3220                                     Passcode: 663181

Vacancies for Councillors at Crudwell Parish Council

Would you like to become a Crudwell Parish Councillor?

Crudwell Parish Council has vacancies for 3 Parish Councillors

Crudwell Parish Council has an allocation of 9 Councillors, at present there are 6 serving Councillors.


Crudwell Parish Council meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm.

If you would like to more information please contact:

Lisa Dent (Parish Clerk) on


More details on the HOW TO GET INVOLVED tab on Crudwell Parish Council website


You must be aged 18 or over, an elector, and have been a resident or worked within 3 miles of the parish for the past year

July 2021

End of Financial Year March 2021

As a Local Council authority, we need to post the following documents as part of our annual audit for the year ending 31st March 2021:- We are a smaller authority with turnover less than £25,000 so we are registering for a Smaller Authority Audit.

If you would like to examine the Accounts this is by appointment, please see the Notice of Public Rights and contact the Clerk who will be happy to help you and make an appointment.

Lisa Dent/Clerk and RFO Crudwell Parish Council tel: 01285 658172



AGAR Form page 1

AGAR Form page 2 Guidance Notes

AGAR Form page 3 Cert of Exemption

AGAR Form page 4 Annual Internal Audit Report 20-21

AGAR Form page 5 Annual Governance Statement 20-21

AGAR Form page 6 Accounting Statements 20-21

Asset Register

Bank reconciliation

Designated Responsibilities June 2021

Internal Audit Report 2020-21

Items of Expenditure over £100

Land ownership

Notice of Public Rights

Variances 20-21


Crudwell Parish Council Meeting agenda 22nd June 2021

Please find below a link to view the Crudwell Parish Council agenda, for the meeting on 22nd June 2021, which will take place at 7 pm at Crudwell Village Hall.

If you would like to attend please contact Lisa the Clerk on so we can make arrangements for social distancing at the meeting.

Draft Agenda June 2021


Urgent Road Closure Tetbury Lane 9th June

From 9 June 2021, the following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Wessex Water to carry out an urgent stop tap renewal. Tetbury Lane (Part), Crudwell; from its junction with A429 in a Westerly direction for approximately 80m. Alternative route: via C76, C92, A429 and vice versa. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. These works will commence on 9 June 2021 and are anticipated to be required for 3 days. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days.

Link to plan:-

Tetbury Lane Road Closure

Crudwell Parish Council meeting Tues 25th May 7.15 – 9 pm – Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

In order to comply with the rules following Elections, the May Parish Council meeting will now taken place on

Tues 25th May 7.15 – 9 pm at Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room


If you wish to attend please contact so we can plan for numbers of attendees

Agenda details are on the link below (updated 18/05/21

Draft Agenda May 2021

Crudwell Parish Council Meeting May 2021

Following the recent Local Elections we have a new Parish Council from 10th May 2021.  In order to comply with risk assessments regarding face to face meetings which now have to take place for a Parish Council and to undertake the statutory requirements of this May meeting, the meeting has been moved to:-

Tues 25th May at 7.15 pm

and we are awaiting confirmation of the venue at Crudwell Village Hall.

Further confirmation once the venue is confirmed and agenda will follow, please check back for information.

Lisa Dent

Parish Clerk – Crudwell

Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan – Polling Station, Timings and Timetable

Polling Station, Timings and Timetable

Re situation of polling station (Crudwell Villlage Hall) and the timings for poll (Crudwell Village Hall, 6th May 2021 7 am to 10 pm).

Timings for Proceeding also included.

Click here:  Poll – Polling Station – Timetable

Lisa Dent – Clerk 

Crudwell Parish Council

Meeting date has changed: May Parish Council Meeting 11th May 2021

Due to the upcoming elections and change of Parish Council members, the May meeting will be held on 11th May 2021 at 7 pm 

We are unsure if this will be online or in person at the Crudwell Village Hall so please follow the website for further information.  Guidelines are changing and we need to follow the recommendations.

Thank You

Lisa Dent

Clerk – Crudwell Parish Council

April 6th 2021 Crudwell Parish Council Meeting

I apologise for the late display of the agenda, there was a technical glitch with the post so it did not display.

Zoom details to log in are as follows and also displayed on the Agenda Notice

Time: Apr 6, 2021 07:00 PM London – Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 0245 9875   Passcode: 052910


Agenda/notice – click below

Draft Agenda April 2021


Lisa Dent

Clerk – Crudwell Parish Council

Elections May 2021 – The deadline to submit nomination papers is 8 April at 4pm.


Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the council? Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for election. Make a change and become a councillor.

Below – link to National Association of Local Councils website

Elections (

Frequently asked questions –  Wiltshire Association of Local Councils    Election FAQs 02.03.21

Nomination forms/information packs:-

Nomination pack parish council election

Notice of Election     North_Parish_notice_of_election

Timetable    Town_and_Parish_Council_Timetable

Information    Town_and_Parish_election_information


From Wiltshire Council – Book today to submit your nomination paper – please don’t attend without an appointment

If you’re looking to put yourself forward as a candidate in the upcoming local unitary elections and town and parish council elections, we have created a booking system for you to make an appointment with our elections team to submit your nomination forms.

The booking system is there to help safely manage the number of nominations we are receiving and comply with COVID-19 guidance, including social distancing.

We’ve noticed a sharp rise in prospective candidates turning up without an appointment. The booking system is there for the safety of you and our staff to ensure we do not have too many people in the building at any one time so please can we remind you of the importance of booking in advance. If you do turn up without an appointment, it’s very likely you will have a long wait until we’re able to see you. Also, we cannot guarantee that you will be seen at all as those who have made an appointment will be seen first and prioritised for checking and submitting nomination papers.
Please ensure you make an appointment prior to visiting the team.

The deadline to receive nomination papers is 8 April at 4pm.

The ‘book an appointment’ link below takes you first to a sign in page to create an account

Book nomination appointment
Cancel your nomination appointment.
There are three hubs for nomination deliveries, depending on the Electoral area you are interested in standing in below:

  • South: Nomination delivery to The Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3UZ
  • Central: Nomination delivery to County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN
  • North: Nomination delivery to Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1ER


Crudwell Parish Council meeting Tues 2nd March 2021 at 7 pm

Updated 28th Feb 2021, we have added Elections 2021 to the agenda, please use this as the current link :-  Updated agenda to show Elections 2021

The meeting will be conducted online through Zoom, log in details:-

Crudwell Parish Council – Time: Mar 2, 2021 7:00 PM

Joining instructions are shown on the agenda and repeated below:-

Join Zoom Meeting click here

Meeting ID: 979 6949 9651                  Passcode: 880093

Urgent road closure notice 1st Mar 21 A429 (Part), St. Paul Malmesbury Without

Click  here  for plan/notice/full details

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 1 March 2021, the following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Forest Traffic Services LTD to carry out tie-in works for Hullavington Airfield Access Road for resurfacing. A429 (Part), St. Paul Malmesbury Without; from its junction with Seagry Road to property known as Kingway Barn Farm

Alternative route: via A429 (unaffected length), A433, A4135, A46, A420, A350, A429 (unaffected length) and vice versa. Alternative route (HGV): via A429 (unaffected length), A419, M4, A429 (unaffected length) and vice versa. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. These works will commence on 1 March 2021 and are anticipated to be required for 5 nights between the hours of 21:00 and 06:00. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days. For further information regarding these works please contact Greg Sullivan on the behalf of Forest Traffic Services LTD on 0800 3285250.

Road Closure – Crudwell; junction with A429 to junction with Chelworth Manor Farm Road

Road Closure – 8th March to 19th March due to Gigaclear installing cables
Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: C97 (Part), Crudwell; from its junction with A429 to its junction with Chelworth Manor Farm Road.
To enable: Gigaclear Limited to carry out excavation works to lay cable.
Alternative route: via C97 (unaffected length) – C85 -A429 and vice versa.
The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. This Order which previously came into operation on 25 January 2021 will now recommence on 08 March 2021 and the closure will be required until 19 March 2021. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order has a maximum duration of 18 months. For further information please contact Nick Addey on 07703823781 at Gigaclear Limited. Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

Urgent Road Closure of: B4014 (Part), Brokenborough

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 25 February 2021, the following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Wiltshire Council to carry out carriageway reactive patching and associated maintenance works.

B4014 (Part), Brokenborough; from the property known as Sunset Hill Cottage for approximately 800m in a southerly direction. Alternative route: via B4014 (unaffected length), A433, A429, B4014 (unaffected length) and vice versa.

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.

These works will commence on 25 February 2021 and are anticipated to be required for 1 night between the hours of 19:00 and 06:00. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days. For further information regarding these works please contact Helen Pickett on the behalf of Wiltshire Council on 01225 713376.


Click here for notice and map

Emergency Road Closure 8th Feb 2021 – The Ridgway

We have recd notice of road closure effective from today, 8th Feb 2021
Required for 3 days
12m outside property 6 The Ridgway. Access maintained for residents and businesses.                 Required by Wessex Water to carry out repair to a leak.
The following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Wessex Water to carry out urgent repair of a ferrule leak. The Ridgeway (Part), Crudwell; from the road outside the property known as 6, The Ridgeway, Crudwell, in a Northerly direction for approximately 12m.
No alternative route is available; access will be maintained for residents and businesses although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The closure will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. These works will commence on 8 February 2021 and are anticipated to be required for 3 days. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days. For further information regarding these works please contact Matthew Coles on 07776226316 at Wessex Water Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

Tues 2nd Feb 21 Crudwell Parish Council Meeting

Here follows the draft agenda for the Crudwell Parish Council meeting on Tues 2nd Feb at 7 p.m.                  Click for   :  PDF of agenda 

Due to late planning application received for consideration the agenda has been updated on 31st Jan 2021


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 5138 0037                           Passcode: 794758

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present. The order of business may be varied.   All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.

  1. Chairman to open meeting, inform it is being recorded to assist in producing Minutes, welcome and apologies

  2. Declarations of Interest to items on the agenda

  3. To approve Minutes of the Parish Council meeting from Tues 5th January 2021 meeting

  4. Matters Arising January 2021 Parish Council meeting

  5. Parish Councillor (one) vacancy advertised

  6. Finance To include (1) Current bank balances  (2) Accounts for payment (3) Allotments invoicing and payment to Mrs Browning (4)  Renewal of debit card (5)  QFS due for period Oct – Dec 20 (6) End of Feb 21 VAT reclaim

  7. Planning/Development 1. Application Ref: 20/10336/FUL Application for Full Planning  Proposal:-  Two storey & first floor extensions to main house & conversion of former haystore into dependent persons accommodation  At: Oliver House Stud, Chedglow,   Crudwell, SN16 9EZ              Comments by:  02 Feb 2021                                  2.   Application Ref: 20/10839/FUL Application for Full Planning  Proposal:-  Single storey extension with extending kitchen and dining room, changing conservatory to garden/sunroom. At: 5 The Firs, Kemble, Wilts, GL7 6AZ     Comments by:  03 Feb 2021

    3.  Application Ref: 21/00083/FUL          Application for Full Planning

    Proposal:-  Change of use of two farm buildings from agriculture to a mixed use of agriculture, butcher and

    for commercial use (E(g), B2 and B8) uses.  At:     Chedglow Field Farm, Crudwell Lane, Upper Chedglow,  Malmesbury, Wilts, SN16 9HA  comments to be received by: 28 Jan 2021 (?)

8. Wiltshire Council report (Cllr C Berry) – Standing Item9.  Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Report (Cllr R Lambley) – Standing Item

1.  Disposal of sewerage and the alleviation of flooding risks from potential future housing in Crudwell – TF/RL

2. Vision consultants daily rate for further NHP/Community Liaison Group to be clarified when confirmed

3.  WALPA meeting 28th Jan 2021

4.  Local Plan consultation

  1. Covid 19 Community Initiative – (Cllr R Lambley) – Standing Item   1. Clerk and RL attended online training to manage MyCrudwell website and Mailchimp posts


  1. Parish Matters

    1.Parking Tuners Lane – widening, parking on grassed area

    2. Trees (1)  Fallen tree – removal  (2)  Progress treeworks from report, awaiting contact from ID Verde

    3. Flooding – Eastcourt update (JS)

    4. Playground (1) roundabout maintenance/new bearing update if available (2)  Independent playground inspection is due Jan/Feb 21

    5. Track at Rommel Lane – plan/note for Land Registry

    6. Highways/speeding – Thurs 4th Feb 7pm – 7.50 pm North Wiltshire Speeding Concerns meeting

    7. Resident correspondence – basketball hoops to Crudwell Rec Ground

    8. Parish Steward (JS)


  1. Other projects

    1. Review/redesign of parish council and MyCrudwell websites to include accessibility requirements

    2. Eastcourt BT Telephone Box/defibrillator


  1. Closing comments/Chair to close meeting

Lisa Dent – (Clerk Crudwell Parish Council)



Items for next meeting: Tues 2nd March

  • Financial Risk Assessment
  • Review Internal Audit Report 2020
  • To confirm that VAT reclaim has been submitted

Agenda/Zoom log in for meeting Tues 5th Jan 2021 at 7pm


Notice is given that the Meeting of the Parish Council will be held remotely via Zoom due to the current Covid 19 pandemic on  Tues 5th Jan 2020 at 7.00 pm 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 940 4603 6571                                     Passcode: 178387

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present. The order of business may be varied.

 All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.


1.Chairman to open meeting, inform it is being recorded to assist in producing Minutes, welcome and apologies

2.Declarations of Interest to items on the agenda

3. To approve Minutes of the Parish Council meeting from Weds 2nd Dec 2020 meeting

4. Matters Arising December 2020 Parish Council meeting

5. Finance To include (1) Current bank balances      (2) Accounts for payment  (3)  Renewal of debit card (4)  QFS due for period Oct – Dec 20

  1. Planning/Development        

Application Ref: 20/09502/FUL Application for Full Planning,916261

Proposal:-  Addition of self-contained, removable, biomass plant room and hopper.   At:     Kemble Airfield Enterprise Park, Building 16, A429 The Firs North To County Boundary,  Kemble, Wilts GL7 6BQ      Comments by:  Extension in place to 5th Jan 2020


Application Ref: 20/10336/FUL Application for Full Planning,917074

Proposal:-  Two storey & first floor extensions to main house & conversion of former haystore into

dependent persons accommodation  At: Oliver House Stud, Chedglow, Crudwell, SN16 9EZ

Comments by:  Extension in place to 5th Jan 2020


Application Ref: 20/09939/FUL Application for Full Planning,916691

Proposal:-  To install 2.4m high acoustic fencing along the boundary.  At: Hedgehogs, A429

Hankerton Field North To The Street, Crudwell, Wilts SN16 9EY    Comments by:  11 January 2021


Application Ref: 20/10830/FUL  Application for Full Planning,917552

Proposal:  Retrospective application for the raising of roof on detached double Garage At: Ashlea, Tetbury

Lane,  Crudwell, SN16 9HB   Comments by:  29 January 2021

  1. Wiltshire Council report (Cllr C Berry) – Standing Item


  1. Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Report (Cllr R Lambley) – Standing Item

To include:  Consultants fees review


  1. Covid 19 Community Initiative – (Cllr R Lambley) – Standing Item


  1. Parish Matters

Trees (1)  Fallen tree – removal  (2)  Progress treeworks from report (TF)

Flooding – recent events/correspondence

Playground (1) roundabout maintenance/new bearing

Emergency plan

Track at Rommel Lane – plan/note for Land Registry

Crudwell footpath/right of way issue


Parish Steward (JS)


  1. Other projects

Review/redesign of parish council and MyCrudwell websites to include accessibility requirements

Eastcourt BT Telephone Box/defibrillator


  1. Closing comments/Chair to close meeting.

Lisa Dent – (Clerk Crudwell Parish Council)

Agenda as a pdf file below:-

Draft agenda Jan 21 PCM

Road Closure: 25/1 – 5/2/21 Crudwell A429 – Chelworth Manor Farm Rd.

Notice received from Wiltshire Council

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic:

C97 (Part), Crudwell; from its junction with A429 to its junction with Chelworth Manor Farm Road.

To enable: Gigaclear Limited to carry out excavation works to lay cable. Alternative route: via C97 (unaffected length) – C85 -A429 and vice versa. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This Order will come into operation on 25 January 2021 and the closure will be required until 05 February 2021. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.

The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months. For further information please contact Nick Addey on 07703823781 at Gigaclear Limited. Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

Date change Dec Parish Council meeting to Weds 2nd Dec at 7 pm

Crudwell December Parish Council meeting      (to include Budget Setting for 21/22)

                 Weds 2nd Dec at 7 pm

The December Parish Council meeting will now be held on Weds 2nd Dec at 7 pm (date change due to Clerk unavailability of Clerk).  The Agenda is posted below:-

Topic: Crudwell Parish Council     Time: Dec 2, 2020 07:00 PM London

If you would like to receive any information in a different format, or have any comments etc please contact Lisa on   

Nov/Dec/Jan Gigaclear update and road closure info

From Gigaclear

We have included the current programme of works for your community below.

Please note that these dates are subject to change. Updates will be sent as the programme progresses or if there are changes. Regarding the format the first date shows the permit start, the second date best represents when we expect the works to begin and the site to be active. Occasionally these will vary by a few days, to allow fluidity between permits.

It is worth noting that where possible Gigaclear will operate in the verges and footpaths which means Two-Way or Multi-Way lights may not be in situ for the whole duration of the permit, but if they are required to facilitate road crossings or works in the carrigeway then they will be in use for these sections. Permits that are for road closures will be in effect for their duration, unless the works are finished early.

These permits are also viewable via the interactive mapping tool This is a central database for all utility providers, not just Gigaclear, that show permits near to your location. All information of the permit, location, dates and contact information are also available on this map.

Location:  Crudwell Lane, Crudwell
Traffic control: Road Closure
Permit Start: 10/11/2020 Estimated Start: 16/11/2020 End Date: 24/11/2020
Location:  Crudwell Lane North to County Boundary
Traffic control: Road Closure
Permit Start: 24/11/2020 Estimated Start: 30/11/2020 End Date: 07/12/2020
Location: County Boundary East to A429
Traffic control: Road Closure
Permit Start: 08/12/2020 Estimated Start: 14/12/2020 End Date: 21/12/2020
Location: Morgans Tynings South to Turners Lane
Traffic control: Road Closure
Permit Start: 14/12/2020 Estimated Start: 18/12/2020 End Date: 18/12/2020
Location: Turners Lane
Traffic control: Road Closure
Permit Start: 04/01/2021 Estimated Start: 05/01/2021 End Date: 08/01/2021
Thank you for your continued patience, we will be sure to keep you updated as the programme progresses.

Tuners Lane – road closure Jan 21

Wiltshire Council Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Closure of: Tuners Lane (Part), Crudwell

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: Tuners Lane (Part), Crudwell; from its junction with A429 to its junction with Brookside.

To enable: Gigaclear Limited to carry out laying of cables.

Alternative route: via Tuners Lane (unaffected length) – Morgans Tynings – Culkerton Road, A429 and vice versa.

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This Order will come into operation on 04 January 2021 and the closure will be required until 18 January 2021. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months.




Aura Power’s proposal to develop a solar farm – Kemble

To Crudwell residents, in particular those in Chelworth

We have received information from A. The area of land being considered for the solar farm is on the Bathurst Estate, southwest of Kemble and northwest of Chelworth. The site lies within both Cotswold District Council and Wiltshire Council and the parishes of Kemble and Ewen and Crudwell with Oaksey as the neighbouring parish.

Aura Power is going to conduct a public consultation and is seeking feedback on the proposal from the local community and interested parties.

Because of the current restrictions due to social distancing, it will be a virtual consultation event online to provide further information on the proposed solar farm and the environmental studies that have taken place to date. A recording will be made available to watch for those who can not attend.

Please see attached copy of the flyer that has been distributed to roughly 580 residences in the immediate vicinity of the project. Further information is available on our website where you can also register for the online event:

I have copied all the information received, in the pictures below this post. To register for the event, please to go the Aurapower website, shown above.
Lisa Dent/Clerk – Crudwell

Audit for year ending 31st March 2020

Crudwell Parish Council is an ‘Exempt Authority’, as at year end 31st March 2020 our annual income/expenditure was less than £25,000 for this financial year.

To meet our statutory requirements we need to publish  the following documents, the day before the public rights period commences:

Published/uploaded on Friday 3rd July 2020 (one working day before our public rights period commences on  Monday 6th July 2020)


(a)      Accounting Statements Section 2 of AGAR Part 2 


(b) Completed Rights Notice – notice of public rights and notes which accompany the Notice

and which sets out—

(i) the period for the exercise of public rights;

(ii) details of the manner in which notice should be given of an intention to inspect the accounting records and other documents;

(iii) the name and address of the local auditor;

(iv) the provisions contained in section 25 (inspection of statements of accounts etc), section 26 (inspection of documents etc) and section 27 (right to make objections at audit) of the Act, as they have effect in relation to the authority in question;


Additional Documents


(c)       Variances completed 2019-20

(d)       Bank reconciliation

(e)       Internal Audit Report AGAR

(f)        Auditing Solutions Internal Audit Report 2019-20

(g)       Designated Responsibilities June 2020

(h)       Asset Register March 2020

(i)         Land ownership

(j)           Expenditure over £100



Crudwell Parish Council 11th May 2020 Remote Meeting on Zoom

Due to connectivity problems, the meeting scheduled for Tues 5th May 2020 did not take place and has been rescheduled as below.


Crudwell Parish Council Parish Council Meeting on Monday 11th May 2020 at 7.00pm via ZOOM

Government Legislation has changed for Parish Councils which came into force on the 4th April 2020 to enable Parish Councils across England to carry out their meetings. The change of legislation was introduced as a measure to support Parish Council during the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Parish Councils are now permitted to hold their meetings remotely, online and Crudwell Parish Council will host its first Formal remote Parish Council meeting on Monday 11th May 2020 at 7.00pm via ZOOM.

The meeting is accessible to the public in exactly the same way that every other Parish Council meeting was and each meeting is set up with meeting ID and password details.

Should you be interested in logging into the Parish Council meeting on the 5th May at 7.00pm please use the following log in details.

To join the Zoom Meeting

To join the Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 0781 1749

Password: 0DVpnU

The meeting will be via ZOOM and therefore you will need to download the software on which is FREE. The meeting can be viewed via your PC or you can dial in via a UK phone number unique to ZOOM for meetings.

As per all Parish Council meetings the Public will be welcome to speak during “Public Speaking” and able to observe the remainder of the meeting.

Click below for the agenda

Agenda PCM 110520


Parish Council Meetings & Muck-In Postponed

Due to the recent change in Government recommendations regarding Coronavirus the Parish Council is unlikely to be able to meet in the near future. The council is taking guidance from the National Association of Local Councils who have a dedicated web page at Should Parishioners have specific issues they can contact the Chairman Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address or phone 577615.

Please note that the Parish Muck-in planned for Saturday the 4th April has also been postponed in the light of the current situation. It would though be helpful if parishioners could assist in clearing litter from there own areas where possible.

Urgent road closure: C97 Chelworth Lawns East (Part), Crudwell

Map attached below:-

Road closure notice 180220

Wiltshire Council
Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Urgent Closure of: C97 Chelworth Lawns East (Part), Crudwell.
THE WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 18 February 2020, the following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Openreach to access overhead cabling for customers out of service.
C97 Chelworth Lawns East (Part), Crudwell; from its junction with C85 to its junction with The Grove.
Alternative route: via C97 – A429 – C85 and vice versa.
The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.
These works will commence on 18 February 2020 and are anticipated to be required for 1 day between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 21 days.

For further information regarding these works please contact Leo Pulvirenti (A-Plant on behalf of Openreach) on 0370 050 0792.
Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN
Ref: AF/FEB2020

How to receive flood info and advice 2019

Flooding – Operational Flood Working Group News – November 2019

We are now in the winter and many of us are aware of the number of flood warnings being issued by the Environment Agency with rivers and groundwater rising, wellington boots have been dusted off to cope with the large puddles. Standing water is becoming a lot more frequent.

Town and Parish councils need to be more vigilant than ever, and we are asking that you check your flood plans are up to date, any equipment you have is working, particularly pumps and generators as they may need checking or to be refuelled, and that they can be accessed easily should there be a flood. Check that all of your contact details up to date and any vulnerable residents are aware of the help available within the community.

Make sure you are signed up to the Environment Agency’s free flood warning system.

Those towns and parishes on the chalk should sign up for groundwater flood warnings.   If your community is concerned about surface water flooding, you should also sign up for the Met Office’s severe weather warning alerts.

Surface water flooding can happen very quickly, so make sure you report instances of standing water on high speed roads (60mph) or gullies that if blocked would cause internal property flooding by using the Wiltshire App.

Those of you with flood plans will know your critical gullies. Check ditches and watercourses for blockages, especially with leaves as they can cover over gullies and cause flooding

Many of you who live on the chalk are aware of the seasonal rise in groundwater and the Environment Agency are currently keeping a close watch on the levels.  Warnings will be issued should it become necessary. Flood wardens have also been asked to update Wiltshire Council if ground water appears, or if sewers become slow to drain, as this will help us to assess any need within the communities

To sign up for flood and groundwater warnings


Floodline Telephone: 0345 988 1188 24-hour service

Sign up for the Wiltshire App

Telephone: 0300 456 0100

Election Notice

Election Notice   (link to the document, info as below)

UK Parliamentary Election  for  NORTH WILTSHIRE CONSTITUENCY 1. An Election is to be held for a Member of Parliament to serve North Wiltshire Constituency. 2. Nomination papers can be obtained from: • the Electoral Commission website at: • Main Reception at County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN   • Main Reception, The Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3UZ  • Main Reception at Council Offices, Monkton Park, Chippenham SN15 1ER • By telephoning Wiltshire Electoral Services on 0300 456 0112

3. Nomination papers must be hand delivered to the Acting Returning Officer or his appointed electoral staff (not reception staff) on any working day after the date of this notice, between the hours of 10am and 4pm from Tuesday 12 November 2019 until Thursday 14 November 2019 but no later than 4pm on Thursday 14 November 2019  4. Nomination papers can only be hand delivered to the following two locations: • Main Reception at County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN.  Please ask for a member of the Electoral Services Team on arrival • Main Reception, The Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3UZ. Please ask for a member of the Electoral Services Team on arrival

5. The £500 deposit may be paid by legal tender or by means of a banker’s draft from a drawer which carries on business as a banker in the United Kingdom or by debit or credit card or the electronic transfer of funds. American Express cannot be accepted. The bank details of the council are Wiltshire Council, with the sort code 40-44-33, and account number 51460021. Please quote 900001 and candidates surname and initial as a reference. 6. If the election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday 12 December 2019. 7. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 12 midnight on Tuesday 26 November 2019.

8. Applications for postal votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Electoral Services, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN by 5pm on Tuesday 26 November 2019. 9. Amendments or cancellations of postal or proxy votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Electoral Services, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN by 5 pm on Tuesday 26 November 2019. 10. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Electoral Services, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN by 5pm on Wednesday 4 December 2019. 11. Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election on the grounds of physical incapacity or for work/service reasons must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Electoral Services, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN by 5pm on Thursday 12 December 2019. The physical incapacity must have occurred after 5pm on Wednesday 4 December 2019.  To apply on the grounds of work/service, the person must have become aware that they cannot go to the polling station in person after 5pm on Wednesday 4th December 2019.

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (Crudwell) Sat 10th Aug 19 at 10.00 am

     To: Members of the Council and All Parishioners

You are hereby invited to attend  thAnnual Meeting of the Parish Council (Crudwell) At the Crudwell Village Hall on

Saturday 10th August 2019 at 10.00 a.m., for transacting the following business.

If there is an issue you would like to raise for the Open Forum, but cannot attend please email


  1. Apologies received
  2. Minutes to previous APM meeting 5th May 2018
  3. Chairmans Report/Achievements of the Parish Council 2018
  4. Accounts/ Finance
  5. Wiltshire Council Report – Cllr Berry
  6. Crudwell Parish Reports

Where available:- 

6.1              Crudwell School

6.2              Crudwell Trust

6.3              Lord Lucas Trust

6.4              Parochial Church Council

6.5              Police Community Support Officer – John Bordiss

6.6              Muck In (Annual Village Tidy)

6.7              Village Hall & Recreation Area/Grounds


  1. Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan 
  1. Open Forum/Questions/Issues 
  1. Closing Comment/Chairman to close meeting





If there is an issue you would like to raise for the Open Forum, but cannot attend please email




Planning Appeal Decision Ridgeway Farm 5 June 2019

Appeal Ref: APP/Y3940/W/19/3220214
Land at Ridgeway Farm (to the rear of Athelstan Park)

Decision – The appeal is dismissed.
• The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990  against a refusal to grant planning permission.
• The appeal is made by Edenstone Homes against the decision of Wiltshire Council.
• The application Ref 18/05429/FUL, dated 6 June 2018, was refused by notice dated 7 December 2018.
• The development proposed is erection of 36 residential dwellings and associated works.

Full document is available below

Planning appeal decision 05 06 2019

Completion of accounts audit 2018

We have received notice that the external audit of Parish Council accounts for 2018 has been completed and below is a link to the completion documents.

This includes:

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Section 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance Statement

Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate

Completion documents 2018

**The accounts and Return form are available to be provided to any person on request, details on the Notice of Conclusion of Audit.**


Parish Council comment

08/08/18  Crudwell Parish Council has issued the following OBJECTION comment on the proposed Ridgway development.

Crudwell Parish Council considered the above application/amended plans and has the following response to make:


  No Comment
  Support subject to conditions (please set out in box below)
X Object (for reasons set out in box below)
  No Objections


Suggested special conditions/reasons for decision based on local knowledge

Crudwell Parish Council wish to register the following comments, resolved at the Crudwell Parish Council meeting of 07/08/18:-


1.       Planning policy.

The development site is outside the designated settlement boundary and following the 10th July 2018 Wiltshire Council meeting, is not proposed to be allocated in the Housing Site Allocations Plan.  On that basis, the proposal lies within the open countryside and is contrary to both the adopted and emerging Wiltshire development plans.  There is no justification for approving this application outside of the development plan process.


There are no material considerations that suggest the proposal should be approved contrary to the development plan.  The five year housing land supply in the Housing Market Area is above 5 years so the NPPF paragraph 14 ‘tilted balance’ is not triggered.


2.       Potential Housing

The application site has been submitted to the Parish Council as a potential housing site and is being considered alongside others also submitted.






3.      Scale

This would represent the largest single housing development within the Parish and this application is too large for the existing infrastructure.  Key issues include:-

a.       Sewerage/foul drainage

The sewerage system is already at capacity and an upgrade is not planned by Wessex Water.  It remains a long-term problem, the main sewer is too small and runs to Hankerton (who as a Parish have expressed their concerns) and onto Malmesbury.  In heavy rainfall, the pumping station at Crudwell floods releasing foul waste.

b.      Surface water/flooding

Crudwell has a historical issue with flooding, having two extensive floods that caused major damage to property and residents having to vacate their homes.  The surface water from the existing development of 10 houses at Ridgeway Farm runs off towards The Swillbrook.  Surface water pouring from the overflow pipe immediately after heavy rainfall was recorded as a video clip by concerned residents.  This council was assured by Wiltshire Council planning department and the property developers that this would not happen and demonstrates that the measures put in place are not effective.

The proposed flood scheme for the 39 dwellings would direct into The Swillbrook upstream of Crudwell, increasing the flood risk.

c.       Crudwell Primary School

The village school is at full capacity and oversubscribed, unable to enlarge their premises, and so would be unable to accept additional pupils this development would bring.

d.      Highways/transport/footpaths

Tetbury Lane is not suitable as an entrance to a large housing development.  The footpath is not complete from the development to The Street.  This development would increase vehicular traffic, putting residents at risk who walk this lane to access the playing fields and Village Hall.

4.       Landscape and Visual Impact

The proposed development is in an elevated position and it would be hoped a sensitive approach would be taken to possible development, given its location just outside of the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and in keeping with Crudwell as a historic and desirable village.  The existing development is inappropriate in materials, design and spatial layout and this theme also is continued in the proposed development.

5.       Neighbourhood Plan

Crudwell Parish Council is producing a Neighbourhood Plan for Crudwell.  This will identify a site or sites to meet the identified local housing need, preferably through small scale developments which is the preferred route confirmed through the community consultation process of the Neighbourhood Plan.



Lisa Dent


On behalf of Crudwell Parish Council











Construction work around Crudwell School 7th Aug 18

Construction work is programmed to commence on Tuesday 7th August and anticipated to take two weeks to complete. Temporary 3 way traffic signals will be in operation during the works.

Wiltshire Council in implementing its Local Transport Plan (LTP) for 2011-2026 is seeking to develop measures throughout the County, which seek to provide improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and also improve road safety.

This scheme has been developed as part of a request from Crudwell Primary School through the ‘Taking Action on School Journeys’ initiative. This initiative has been developed to give schools the opportunity of providing improvements to school journey routes, for cyclists and pedestrians.

The scheme will see the construction of an informal crossing point and two short sections of footway within the existing verge at The Street, Crudwell, in the vicinity of the Potting Shed public house. A plan outlining the scheme is provided overleaf. The aim of the scheme is to provide a safer route from the car park to the school for parents and pupils of Crudwell Primary School.

An advisory, part time 20mph speed limit will also be introduced and will operate at school drop off and pick up times.

Construction work is programmed to commence on Tuesday 7th August and anticipated to take two weeks to complete. Temporary 3 way traffic signals will be in operation during the works.

Wiltshire Council would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and co-operation whilst the works are carried out.

Full info on the link below

TAOSJ Crudwell Residents Newsletter Early Start

Planning application 39 dwellings Ridgeway Farm

The Parish Council has received notification of an application for Full Planning for 39 residential dwellings and associated works at Ridgeway Farm, to the rear of Athelstan Park from Edenstone Homes.  You may wish to register your comments.  Comments need to be received by 9th August 2018.

To do so online, go to  Wiltshire Council website ( , then Planning section, then search by entering the application reference 18/05429/FUL.  On the next page, click on the blue application number of the left and it will take you to the 48 documents which are plans, reports and statements etc.  On this page, under Download Plans and Documents you can click on Comment on this Application and you will be taken to a form page to enter your comments.  This will be registered and shown online.

If you want to register your comment in writing you can write to the Planning Department (Assigned Officer Richard Sewell) at Development Management, Wiltshire Council, Monkton Park, Chippenham SN15 1ER.

Comments need to be received by 9th August 2018.


Removal of Ridgeway Farm Site Allocation 03/07/18

Wiltshire Council Cabinet Meeting 03/07/18


Confirmation has been received, following the Wiltshire Council Cabinet Meeting, that the Ridgeway Farm Site Allocation has been removed from the Wiltshire Site Housing DPD. The final plan needs to be approved by Full Council next week.

We will post more information as we receive it and you can follow the progress of the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan over at




Annual Muck In, Sat 7th April 2018 10.00 am


2018 Annual Muck In


We are having a parish clean-up on

Saturday 7th April 2018

and would love for you to come and

muck in for a few hours.

It is a 10am start, meet at Crudwell Village Hall car park , and if you can help until lunch time (12.00 noon) that will be great!

All welcome, you may wish to bring your own protective gloves if you have them to hand!



Policing Precept 2018 – 2019

Here follows an information post from 

Angus Macpherson MBE

Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon


I wanted to inform you about the launch of my consultation on the policing precept for 2018/19. I would be grateful if you could share this and make residents aware of opportunities for consultation. The details are set out below or you can access a video of me outlining the proposals at


The policing precept consultation which launches today (2/1/2018) is looking for the views of Wiltshire residents on the proposed increase of £12 a year.


Currently the average band D household contributes £14.19 per month to local policing, but if residents back the proposal then this would rise to £15.19 per month.

As a Force, Wiltshire Police has seen the second highest increase in demand across the country in the last year yet the funding we receive from central government doesn’t recognise the increasing pressures our service is under.

In fact we receive the fourth lowest funding per head of population in England and Wales.

Since 2010, Wiltshire Police has received £19 million less but have been responding to more crimes and supporting more members of the public year on year.

Whilst we live in an incredibly safe county, there’s only so far the budget will stretch and we’re streamlining our services to ensure they’re as efficient as possible at the same time as keeping the public safe, but we are feeling the squeeze more than ever. Without this increase Wiltshire Police will have to look at further reductions in officers and staff to close a budget gap of around £3m.

That’s why I am asking whether residents in Wiltshire and Swindon would be prepared to pay an extra £1 a month to help bridge this gap.

This increase will mean that I can protect frontline services from further reductions and maintain the current level of service.

The consultation which runs from 2nd January 2018 to midday 31st January 2018 wants to hear your views on the proposed increase.

For more information on how to share your views please visit, you can also email or use #AskAngusPCC on social media.

With best wishes for 2018,

Angus Macpherson MBE

Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon



Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan & Ridgeway Farm Development

December 2017 here follows an update from  Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.  The Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan has its own web page and you can find it at the link below:

Neighbourhood Plan

Dear Parishioners,    YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOU!   As you will all be aware, the Parish Council (PC) together with the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Steering Committee (SC) are facilitating the production of a NP for Crudwell Parish. Once adopted or ‘made’ the vision for how our community develops over time as set out in the NP becomes the blue print against which all planning applications will judged, to ensure they address the priorities of our area. It has to be written with the full engagement of the local community. Without full engagement, it will carry light weight.

By getting comment cards in before the 22nd December. Nearly 1,000 leaflets were personally delivered to Residents, Local business/employers, Parents at School / Pre-school and other Stakeholders in Crudwell Parish 3-4 weeks ago. To date we have received just 20 comment cards so please complete as soon as possible.   By giving permission to add your e-mail addresses to the NP e-mail list, so that we can keep you informed and invite you to the policy workshops / focus groups we will be running early in the New Year. Your contact details will remain confidential and will only be used to keep you updated on the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan. We had over 250 Parishioners signed up on the Crudwell Voice distribution list, we would love for all of you to agree to that information being transferred to the NP e-mail list.   If you are able to offer a bit more time to the NP process, we would be hugely grateful so please do let us know if you can and wil contact you to discuss options.   Spread the word! Talk to local friends, family, neighbours and employers about it and urge them to get comment cards in.

It is really important that we SHOW that we are passionate about our community. We can do this in the following ways:    You may have noticed in the local paper last week (follow link below) that the Developers at Ridgeway Farm are ploughing ahead with plans for a further 40 houses. According to that article published in Tuesday’s Gazette & Herald they have submitted a planning application for the additional houses, constituting phase 2. Although we understand from our local Councillor, no plans have been submitted to date. 

Without a NP in place, we are wide open to speculative development so PLEASE ACT NOW AND COMPLETE THE COMMENTS CARD.  We will not be successful in getting a NP unless we can demonstrate local community engagement at every stage!

Yours Faithfully   Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor Sian Burke-Murphy, Chairman, Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee

Copyright © 2017 Crudwell Voice Community Representation, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you gave your email address to one of the steering group or a friend suggested you might be interested. Our mailing address is: c/o Sian Burke-Murphy Crudwell Voice Community Representation Tetbury Lane Crudwell Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9HB United Kingdom Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

News from Malmesbury Primary Care Centre

News from Malmesbury Primary Care Centre – In the New Year the surgery plans to promote Patients on Line system which will enable patients to make appointments, order their repeat medication, view their medical information held by the practice. Patients have to contact the surgery (complete a simple form) to request a username and password to access the system. Unless the patient is known to the staff, proof of ID will be required before access to the system can be granted. The Reception team can help and advise patients how to set up, access and get the most benefit from the system and if you are already registered, there are more modules added recently which you can request access to.  Full info in the Minutes below.

PPG Dec 2017 Minutes

Crudwell Parish Council response to Wiltshire County Council Draft Site Allocations Plan

Attached below is the Crudwell Parish Council response in document form, or read in full below.

If you would like to register your comments about the proposed housing allocations, you can do so, the deadline is:  5PM ON FRIDAY 22ND SEPT 2017

The simplest way to make a representation is via email to , but you can also write directly to:

Spatial Planning, Economic Development & Planning, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN.

Crudwell PC response to HSA 180917


To:  Spatial Planning, Economic Development & Planning, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re:  Wiltshire County Council Draft Site Allocations Plan – Crudwell Parish Council response

It is important to differentiate between the village of Crudwell and the designated area for the Neighbourhood plan which is the Parish. The Parish Council believes the village has been described as Large because it has two Hotels, two Pubs, a large lorry haulage yard, a car sales and servicing facility and a School. Many farms surround the Village farms. The village has about 250 dwellings

Crudwell Parish Council has in the past supported the introduction of new build housing projects as a means of sustaining the viability of the village and will continue to do so in the future. With the introduction of small estates every few years the character of the village has not been spoilt and the Conservation area has not been threatened. The centre of the village has been developed from the A429  and the rural feel of the village has been maintained. Ridgeway Farm had been submitted to Wiltshire Council back in 2014.  That application drew much local opposition from local people, principally on the grounds of the scale of the development, it being outside the designated red line settlement boundary, and its likely impact on the local infrastructure, specifically: the likely increased traffic on Tetbury Lane; impacts on already overburdened drainage and sewerage systems and oversubscription of Crudwell Primary School.

It is clear there is a lot of local opposition to having a site allocation plan forced on the village. Over a hundred parishioners turned up at the last Area Board meeting to voice their opinion and over £5000 was raised in a fortnight to engage a consultant to put the villages case to an Inspector.

Whilst it is understood that Wiltshire Council needs to ensure an adequate five year housing land supply across each housing market area, the Site Allocations Plan would result in an oversupply of 4,284 dwellings to 2026 when past completions are combined with deliverable commitments, and windfall sites are included. Even when windfalls are excluded, the oversupply is still 2,198 dwellings across the Housing Market Area.

The Site Allocations Plan also results in an oversupply of homes in the Malmesbury Community Area, even without windfalls. Wiltshire Council has a history of oversupply of homes in the former North

Wilts area excluding Chippenham. In eight of the last ten years more homes have been built than planned, in the other two years targets were virtually met. In fact over the last ten years the average oversupply has been 143% higher than planned.

On this basis, there is no strategic need to identify any new homes at Crudwell, so the Wiltshire Site Allocations Plan should not do so. This Parish Council believes that this plan if adopted will set a planning precedent that will be impossible to manage, it being outside the designated red line settlement boundary.

A major concern to Parishioners is the risk of flooding which happens to properties around the Swillbrook which runs through the centre of the village. Significant damage has occurred to many houses in the village in recent years both through surface water and raw sewerage. Surface water from the proposed site would make this situation far worse.  We must not overlook the fact that many properties around the school and(former) post office green as far up the A429 as The Butts  estate already need non-return valves to stay safe from sewerage flooding until the excess over capacity subsides. In addition, sewerage frequently exudes from all the manhole covers around the PO Green in Tuners Lane due to the lack of Pumping Station capacity , even during only moderate rainfall. The Council have been contacted by Hankerton Parish Council expressing their concern over the increase in Sewerage this plan would bring to their own pumping station as it barely copes at present.

In Conclusion Crudwell Parish Council is surprised a Development as large as this is proposed in a small village with a significant conservation area which already has a School which is full, an identified Sewerage and Drainage problem, has no shop and a bus service which at best is poor and is planned to be reduced. We believe the village has the opportunity through its emerging Neighbourhood Plan to define its own future.


Yours faithfully

Lisa Dent – Clerk and RFO

For Crudwell Parish Council




Crudwell Parish Council Annual Meeting Sat 16th Sept 2017

The meeting is at 10.00 a.m. at the Crudwell Village Hall.

Come along and meet the new Parish Council and Cllr Berry from Wiltshire Council, there will be reports from the Neighbourhood Plan Group, Neighbourhood Watch, Crudwell School and more.  The Parish Council will advise how they are responding to the Wiltshire Council proposed site allocations at Ridgeway Farm.

Agenda APM 2017

Papers for APM

** Update 15th Sept at 5 p.m. – Cllr Berry has unfortunately had to send his apologies due to a family situation which is unavoidable.**



Wiltshire Council website – Site allocation information and documents

Hello all,

The above is a link to the Wiltshire Council website,  Draft Wiltshire Site Allocation Plan page.  There are two tabs at the bottom, one for Event information and the other for Supporting Documents.  If you click the Supporting Documents, it opens all the available documents including

  • Malmesbury Area Topic Paper
  • Sustainability Appraisal Malmesbury CAR June 2017

If you bookmark or visit this page it should be the place to go for all relevant documents.  If we receive notification of anything new, we will of course let you know.

Sites development plan leaflet

 The Wiltshire Council Housing Sites Development Plan/Document Leaflet is available to download below:-

Housing Sites Development Plan Document Leaflet

Consultation on the Pre-submission draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan

 Wiltshire Council has published the draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, along with accompanying evidence reports, for formal consultation. 

 The draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, a formal Development Plan Document, has been prepared in accordance with the Wiltshire Core Strategy.  It sets out proposals that:

  • revise, where necessary, existing settlement boundaries in relation to the Principal Settlements of Salisbury and Trowbridge, Wiltshire’s Market Towns, Local Service Centres and Large Villages; and
  • allocates new sites for housing to ensure the delivery of homes across the plan period in order to maintain a five year land supply in each of Wiltshire’s three Housing Market Areas over the period to 2026.


Comments are invited on the draft Plan and supporting evidence bases documents during the 10 week consultation period, which runs from 9:00am on Friday 14 July 2017 until 5:00pm on Friday 22 September 2017.

There will be 4 public exhibitions held as part of the consultation. The events will be open between 12 noon and 7pm as follows:


Neeld Community & Art Centre, High Street, Chippenham         Mon 17 July 2017

Guildhall, Market Place, Salisbury                                                      Weds 19 July 2017

Town Hall, St Johns Street, Devizes                                                   Mon 24 July 2017

Atrium, County Hall, Trowbridge                                                       Weds 26 July 2017

 Officers from the Council will be available during the day to answer questions about the draft Plan and we would encourage people to attend and find out more about what the draft Plan proposes in their area.

 How to Respond

 The draft Plan and supporting evidence documents are available to view and download on the Council’s website: A specific representation form, along with a simplified guidance note can also be downloaded. 

 We welcome your comments via the following means:

 online via the Council’s dedicated consultation web site:;

 Please note that copies of all comments (including your personal details) will be made available to the public to view and therefore cannot be treated as confidential. Anonymous representations cannot be accepted.

 Copies of the consultation documents can be viewed during normal opening hours at the Council’s main offices at Monkton Park (Chippenham), Bourne Hill (Salisbury), County Hall (Trowbridge) and Wiltshire Libraries.

 Following the consultation, the council will consider the comments received before submitting the draft Plan and supporting evidence to the Secretary of State for examination.  All comments received during this consultation will be passed on to the appointed independent Planning Inspector at that stage.

 Any representation received may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specific address of any of the following: that the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination; that the Inspector’s Report (including any recommendations) into the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been published; and that the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan has been adopted. 

 Should you require further information, please email: or telephone 01225 713223.

 Yours faithfully,                      

 Alistair Cunningham
Associate Director, Economic Development and Planning

Wilts Council Site Allocation drop-in events

For information:- see page 31 of the agenda – link shown at the bottom of this page –  info is copied here:

Draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan – Advance notice of
consultation Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet, on 20 June, approved the draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan for consultation to commence in July.
The draft Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, a formal Development Plan
Document, has been prepared in accordance with the Wiltshire Core Strategy. It will allocate new sites for housing and amend, where necessary, settlement
boundaries at the Principal Settlements of Salisbury and Trowbridge, Market
Towns, Local Service Centres and Large Villages.
Although the consultation will not start until Friday 14 July 2017 (and continue for 10 weeks) the Council are seeking to raise awareness through the Area Board network of the consultation period and drop in events being held as part of the consultation.
The drop-in events will be open between 12 noon and 7pm as follows:
Neeld Community & Art Centre, High Street, Chippenham SN15 3ER -Monday 17  July 2017
Guildhall, Market Place, Salisbury SP1 1JH – Wednesday 19 July 2017
Town Hall, St Johns Street, Devizes SN10 1BN – Monday 24 July 2017
Atrium, County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN – Wednesday 26 July 2017
Officers from the Council will be available during the day to answer questions
about the draft Plan and we would encourage people to attend to find out more about what the draft Plan proposes in their area.
From the start of consultation on Friday 14 July, the draft Plan and the supporting evidence will be available during normal opening hours at the Council’s main offices (Monkton Park, Chippenham; Bourne Hill, Salisbury; and County Hall, Trowbridge) and in all Wiltshire Council libraries. It will also be available on the  Council’s web site via this link:
Information about how to comment on the draft Plan will be circulated via the area  board networks closer to this time.

Link to Area Board papers

Ridgeway Farm development site

Ridgeway Farm Site – Update 14th June 2017

Under the terms of the Wiltshire Council Strategic Housing Land Allocation Policy, Wiltshire Council has indicated that The Ridgeway Farm Site area may be extended to include a development for a further 40 dwellings. There will be a consultation period to be announced in due course.

There are two ways you can access the report.  *These are large documents and may take time to load*

  1. We have attached a link to the Wiltshire Council document (please search for ‘Crudwell’ to find the relevant pages).

2.  Here is the report which we have downloaded to our website

 Wiltshire Council report

If you are having problems with the 1.  the link, please click on the Wiltshire Council report above.

Any information we receive concerning this neighbourhood planning issue, will be communicated through here, the parish council website and also through What’s On parish newsletter.




Crudwell Parish Council Meetings 2024

16th Jan 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here–    Agenda Jan 24

Approved Minutes Jan 2024



13th Feb 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here           Agenda Feb 24

Minutes will be uploaded here  Approved Minutes February 2024


19th March 2024  7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here  Agenda March 2024

Minutes will be uploaded here Approved Minutes  March 2024


14th April 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here        Agenda April 24

Minutes will be uploaded here


14th May 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here Annual Meeting of PC May 2024 

Minutes will be posted here   AMPC 14th May 2024


25th June 2024 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here  Agenda June 2024

Minutes will be posted here App Minutes June 24


16th July 7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here Agenda July 2024

Minutes will be posted here App July 2024 minutes


20th August  7 pm Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here Agenda August – 2024

Minutes will be posted here   App Aug 2024 minutes


17th September  Crudwell Village Hall Committee Room

Agenda will be posted here Agenda Sept 2024


8th October 2024

Agenda will be posted here Agenda October 2024